Extraction or removal of wisdom teeth (alveotomy) is the most common oral surgical procedure and with which the problem of impacted and retained wisdom teeth are solved. Most often patients are not even aware of wisdom teeth in their mouth because they do not hinder and do not hurt. Sometimes it is enough to clean them, however if the process becomes complicated then it is necessary to surgically remove them.
Because of its location in the mandible and because of the relatively late dentition, wisdom tooth creates a number of problems. Actually it is not a wisdom tooth dentition, but about his persistence in semi retained or semi impacted position. Picture of severe teeth eruption occurs when a wisdom tooth partially their crowns comes out of gingiva, and the other part of the crown is the gingiva and alveolar bone and when it persists in this position.
Alveotomy is done in order to extract the tooth whose root and the crown are found within bones. The point of alveotomy is to free tooth bone shield through which one can penetrate and then pull the tooth.